This is the best answer to why you should go to college.

valuable asset.

Some students do not want to go to college after the college entrance examination, and 大學排名香港their parents feel helpless and headacheed. Why do we need to go to college? Here is a possible answer.

During college, you'll make a lot of good friends and mentors, and meet like-minded people. Your college classmates and friends will be a valuable asset.

It is common for people to succeed because they have good classmates who share their大學排名 interests with them. Regardless of where you are, your classmates can offer you friendship, help and comfort, exchange experiences, complete projects together, and improve your skills.

Love is one of the two major events in life, along with career.

In college, you learn that you are not that great or incompetent if you are surrounded by people who are almost as good as you, better than you or not as good as you. You can be quiet in order to learn more, complement the strengths and weaknesses, and gradually improve yourself.

It is relatively relaxed at universities, so you have more time to do what you enjoy. There are many lectures to attend, exhibitions to attend, and competitions to participate in and practice, if you are active.

In maturity, we learn what we like and dislike. We learn what we are good at and what we are not good at. We know our strengths and weaknesses, we are no longer arrogant and presumptuous.

College is a great place to develop cultivation, which is one of the greatest benefits of 香港的大學排名going. Over the past four years, you have spent time with knowledgeable and cultured people, listened to concerts, viewed painting exhibitions, communicated with famous teachers, participated in clubs, read various books, and developed your cultural, artistic, humanistic, and moral cultivations. In terms of humanistic literacy, you will see a very big improvement.


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