Those who do not spend money to kill insects "tricks", you try a few? Does it really work?

insect killer

Now that the internet is booming, especially in the field of horticulture, there are so many tips on how to kill bugs that many people will blindly listen to them and try zero, but you don't really understand the nature of pest control.SWAN insect killer supplier These suggestions are not very effective. If you really want to kill bugs, it's important to remember that spraying is the best method. Today, we're going to go over some common pest control "tips" and see how many times you've tried them. Really useful?

1. Tobacco soaking

The most common tip on the internet is to soak the tobacco directly in water for a few hours. After the water changes color, pour directly into the spray bottle, spray the whole plant. Does this work? All I know is that tobacco soaks in water with a strong flavor. What kind of bugs does it kill when sprayed on plant leaves? It hardly kills bugs.SPRITEX insect killer manufacturer You might as well just light the tobacco on fire, put it in a sealed space, and put the plant in to smoke it. It can be smoked to death.

You might as well sprinkle cigarette ash on the bug infested area so the bugs suffocate and die. Tobacco also attracts insects during the growing process. The insects that are attracted to insects are the same as the other flowers we raise.Chinese RAMBO Insecticide spray Mesquite, aphids and various pests attract insects. Tobacco also needs to be drugged during the growing process. Think about it, if you soak tobacco in water, does it work?

2. Garlic, scallions, onions

Many people will say to soak onions with garlic, scallions and onions, soak them and then spray them with this liquid because onions contain insecticidal essential oils that repel insects. This argument is also not reliable. You go and buy some special insecticidal essential oils from regular manufacturers. You see which contain onion, garlic and so on? Which use this stuff as raw material to extract essential oils?

Onions, garlic,and so on, you go to soak the water after soaking out of the water is a smell, you sprayed to the plant to carry on will affect the whole plant on the sticky, and for the smell can be in the interior design is also a very have a very unpleasant, including the need to go to our home to planting onions, garlic, onions and so on, their leaves will be inviting insects, this is a very normal, so don't go! Use these many things to kill insects, the role is very small, almost no.

3. Pepper

Now peppers are almost omnipotent for pests inside short videos and articles because they are spicy and spraying them on an insect kills it, that's what a lot of people say. If you're from the countryside, you'll know that when your peppers are about to ripen, it's a very hot variety. Look at your chili, when it's about to be harvested, are there no insects on it? There will definitely be insects, and they will eat you. I thought rabbits didn't eat hot peppers? Why would he eat a chili pepper? And aphids will wield on peppers, including those vegetable greens that attract insects, so pepper spray doesn't work on plants, don't try it.

4. Banana peels to repel insects

Many people say that cutting banana peels into slices and soaking them in water not only replenishes the fertilizer so that it is absorbed by the plant leaves, but also repels insects. Some people even say that you can drive away cockroaches after soaking in water with banana peels. How much does the banana peel actually contain? When you leave it there to rot, there is almost nothing left. There are not many nutrients in it and it will not work as an insecticide. Other than that, would he attract insects directly to a banana tree plantation? It also has to attract insects, and it also needs to be medicated.

5. White vinegar

White vinegar can be used to water the flowers and to kill insects. It is correct for watering flowers because it regulates the soil, making it alkaline and acidic, but you should not use too much of it because too much acidity can cause problems for the plants, including spraying insects on the leaves of the plants with vinegar. In high concentrations it can burn the leaves or cause the entire plant to wilt and die. Because vinegar is a very irritating substance, does it kill insects? Vinegar has very little effect on insects.

6. Laundry Detergent, Laundry Detergent, Soap and Baking Soda

Not to mention for these many things themselves can kill insects, you know through these things are belong to a work nature? They all belong to an alkaline substance, we raise more than 90% of the flowers are like acidic problems, you go to use these things to spray, or pour into the soil irrigation to kill insects, insects did not die, the plant died, the soil alkaline, plant yellow leaves, so you sprayed to the leaves of the plant will only leave a residue, insecticidal effect is very small impact, almost they do not have, so that leads to the study of these Something you should not go blindly listen to.

7. Brown sugar

Some people say that using baking soda, white vinegar or banana peels, cayenne pepper, and adding some brown sugar to this makes bedbugs come, and other things that kill bedbugs. You have to remember that brown sugar is a sweet stuff, ants and bugs love it, when you spray it on your plants it gets sticky, if you get a little dust on it it sticks to it, and, if you pour brown sugar directly into the soil, it can cause insects and even fermentation in the soil, causing the roots to burn. This stuff should never be used indiscriminately, and using it will only lead to problems with the flowers.

These are things that can kill insects, either cut tobacco with onions or garlic with cayenne pepper. Anyway, all sorts of things mixed together do little to nothing. But some people say why does it work if I use it? Actually, most of the flowers in our house are for red spiders, aphids, mesquite and the like. As soon as you find the bugs, get a spray can and spray the bugs hard on the area. The bugs will fall to the bottom after spraying.

Of course, there are very few places where insects are concentrated, including star spiders and aphids, which die when they encounter water. This is not to say that you should use cayenne pepper, banana peels, white vinegar, or anything else like that; many rose growers know that if your roses attract aphids, you should spray it with a water gun. After flushing the insects away directly, you can visualize it as flushing them away with water as long as the water is clean and there are almost no insects on it.

What should I do if I find bugs in my home? It's simple. The method that has been used since time immemorial is spraying. As long as they have been sprayed once before with dichlorvos, they will be killed completely. Many of the medications we currently have in our home gardens are low-toxicity, including some granular medications that we know will work as a preventative when buried in the soil. For example, when the medicine is buried directly in, it can be absorbed into the plant, and insects eat the plant, raw two directly, without reproducing. All we have to do is find the bug, spray it once or twice, and then we kill it.

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