There is a sense of skin protection, do not want to cause harm to the skin, Konjac sponge manufacturer but do not know how to protect, how not to cause harm, this is the current general situation in dermatology.
Knowing that you take a bath with a sponge instead of a towel and a steel ball shows that you still consciously protect your skin. The sponge is still soft.
But don't forget that sponges have friction and are used to remove dust. Sponges do less damage to the skin than steel balls, but they can also cause damage to the skin. Sponges may be good for some adults with rough skin, but for infants and young children, they only cause enough damage.
Coupled with the cleaning effect of shower gel, the damage is even greater.
Wash your hair with a shampoo that is mildly acidic or does not foam; wash your hands with a hand sanitizer that is mildly acidic and does not foam; wash your face, hair, and hands without washing powder, instead, avoid washing your face, hair and hands with alkaline detergents.
Experience tells us that foaming washing powder is cleaner and more "hot" when washing clothes. Foam cleaners, shampoos and hand sanitizers have little protection for face, scalp and hands. The more dust you remove, the less sebum you retain, and the greater the potential damage to the skin.
Although one fifth of the 21st century has passed, there are still some elderly people who use laundry detergent, soap, soap, sulfur soap to wash their hair and face, and some people use so-called handmade soap.
Even some hand sanitizers marked with baby hand sanitizer can do harm to opponents, especially those with bubbles. If your hands become dry after washing, it means more harm.
Skilled in making table and chair cushions
If the tables, chairs and stools at home are not uneven, or if the enterprise is worried that the floor in China will be scratched, a miracle will occur if a hundred pieces of clean cloth are brought.
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