Blockchain "in one minute!

Blockchain "in one minute!

The term "blockchain" is extremely popular! But what exactly is a "blockchain"? Many people, I believe, are still perplexed.

Is there a more straightforward way to understand it? Let's look at an example.

Little A wants to purchase a cell phone, so he goes to an e-commerce platform to place an order, and the store accepts and delivers themine box order. There is an obvious "third-party platform" in this transaction process, small A and the store should provide personal information to the platform, and occasionally have to pay some "agency fees," this is the typical transaction process "trading that is centralized This is a common "centralized trading" strategy. If the platform "collapses" one day, not only will money be lost, but personal information may be leaked as well.

So A and the store decided to "kick" the platform, each other directly to complete the transaction, which is the simple sense of "decentralization". But there is a problem: without the authority of the agent platform, what happens if the shopkeeper takes the money and runs away, or if small A gets the goods but does not pay?

As a result, they find small B, small C, and small D to do a seal, regardless of who completed the transaction, people are recorded in their own antminer s19 pro alibababooks, and do the accounts fast and accurately this one, but also be able to get a reward. According to this logic, they will generate a book every day, which can be understood as a "block", each book is stored separately, such as block 1, block 2, block 3, and then the neighboring time together, this is the "distributed ledger". It is extremely difficult to forge an account because everyone has the same one.

In this case, the benefits of blockchain aregtx 1080 ethereum hashrate self-evident: decentralization, openness, and immutability. In the future, not only will transaction data be safer with blockchain, but also deposition and retrieval for contract files, judicial justice, electronic medical records, copyright protection, and so on.

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