Coffee brewing methods, up!


In coffee brewing, there is no saying that one is the best method; everyone has a method that they think is the best way to brew.

Coffee is already a part of our daily life, and brewing coffee is not only a ritual, but also a practical aspect of our lives. Coffee is not like tea or cocoa, it can be brewed by each person in their own unique way. But with any method, the basic principles used are the same, such as using hot water, extracting the naturally necessary oils and wireless vacuum cleaner manufacturer caffeine from the ground coffee beans; and it is these principles that allow coffee to produce wonderful aromas and flavors. In short, coffee is brewed.

Arabian or Turkish Coffee

Although coffee beans have spread from Arabia to the world, the Arabian method of brewing coffee is not as well known.

The Arabian method of brewing coffee is quite different from other methods of brewing coffee, as the Arabian method traditionally involves boiling the coffee three times. Coffee brewed in boiling water can easily lose its aroma, but it is the most romantic way to make heavy coffee. Arabian coffee is always made in the same place, a small copper pot with a long handle. Two tablespoons of fine ground coffee with one tablespoon of sugar and a cup of water are mixed together and boiled until the water comes to a boil. When it is cold, it is heated again, three times in total; only after that it is poured out and drunk. Some cardamom is added to add flavor when drinking.

Drip Filter

Drip coffee brewing is probably the most used method nowadays.

Top-quality ground coffee is placed on a suitable sheet of paper, or in a reusable round vertebrate vessel, and hot water is poured in from the top. If better quality is desired, the ground coffee can be wetted (steamed) with a small amount of water to speed up the release of caffeine. The brewed coffee is poured into a cup and is ready to drink.

Piston type (French press)

The piston method, which some say was invented in 1933, is a coffee brewing method that can extract the most flavor from ground coffee beans.

The pot should be heated beforehand, then roughly ground coffee is added to the bottom of the pot, hot water is added, and then stirred for about three to five minutes, the piston is slowly pressed down at an even rate, and the coffee powder and coffee liquid are separated, poured out and ready to drink.

Mocha Style

In Italy, it is safe to say that there is not a home without a variety of moka pots.

This wonderful design combines the features of Espresso and filter coffee makers, with a double boiling pot. It forces the boiled water that has been boiled into the lower pot, through a tube, and then into the top ground coffee. When the time comes, the handle is picked up to satisfy the coffee craving and produce a good amount coffee capsule of "Espresso style" coffee.

Siphon Type

The ground coffee made with this filter coffee pot is usually coarse and heated directly by cold water, so when the water boils, it produces water vapor into the device at the top.

When you listen carefully to the coffee liquid produced through the bubbles, like the sound of bubbling water, it is a high level of relaxation, coupled with the evaporating coffee aroma, filling the whole space, the feeling is really great.

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