Is the electrification of cars an inevitable trend? Look at the difference between streetcars and gasoline cars and you will und

Trams don't have to worry about emissions

Some friends ask Miao, is automobile electrification an inevitable trend? Miao brother today to talk to you rationally.

We can find the problem is not, the engine changes in these years is particularly large,lithium battery cell machine the most recent development and change process is that we have some cars, to the engine with a particle trap, and the engine changes, mainly due to the increasingly stringent requirements of the emission standards of enterprises.

In the history of automobiles, it used to be that cars needed more and more power when battery manufacturers But then environmental protection was introduced, which required increasingly cleaner emissions and lower carbon emissions.

And the standards have been introduced in shorter and shorter periods of time over the past few years, from National III to National IV, a decade or two in between, from National IV to National V, just a couple of years, and from National V to National VI, an even shorter period of time.

Trams don't have to worry about emissions

What fuel vehicles have been doing is to reduce fuel consumption and meet emission standards. Look at the tram now, still need to consider?

Fuel consumption to carry out a direct 100 percent of the standard, and then look at the corporate emissions, tram company now go to check the car, do not have to check the emissions, tram problem did not meet the emissions technology can be checked, so from the point of view of fuel consumption and emissions, the electrification of automobiles is the inevitable development trend.

Even the music of Oudemann has been electrified for a long time because of its low cost and can be charged at home with a cable, of course, the music of Oudemann can not be legally used on the road, but this also shows that the trend of electrification is irreversible.

Point 2: It's in the car.

It used to be that when you drove a fuel car,battery coating everyone thought that zero to three and four seconds of acceleration was supercar level.

But now with 200,000 streetcars, 0,000 grams of water dries up in four seconds, and you can't even imagine that in a gas-guzzling car. That's the last million.

Looking at the experience of using the car, it turns out how many people would sit in the car with the engine on in the summer and blow the air conditioning?

Now the tram does not have to carry out considerations through these at all, basically no one will turn off the air conditioning to sit in the car, or turn off the air conditioning to get out of the car. Car service experience life is completely different, that's why we often need someone to say, after using the tram problem can not go back to the oil car.

The third point of the car's intelligence

In addition to the electrification of the car, there is a very important is intelligent. How many kilowatt-hours has this gas-powered car generated so far? Can it maintain the current intelligence of the car? For example, smart driving, big screen, car engine.

Miao test drove a fuel car some time ago. It didn't take long for the engine to stop. I turned on the big screen to shoot video for an hour. I found that the car suddenly shut down and ran out of power, and it wouldn't start.

Cars really can't get smart without EVs. Currently, purely electric cars, such as those with a range of more than 500 kilometers, have a range of more than 60 kWh. Many of them have a range of 70 to 80 kWh and they even have a 100 kWh battery pack.

What is the concept of 100 kWh of electricity? You can check your own electric bill, except in the summer when the air conditioner is on, and the electric bill might be two or three hundred. Of course, Miao is talking about the average small house electricity bill is basically within 100 degrees.

So all of us a can think about how much electricity is needed to support the intelligence of China's automobile. So China's current trend for the development of automobile enterprises is very obvious, one is electrification, the next is intelligent.

As for battery electrification, hydrogen electrification and other forms of energy electrification, they must ultimately be electrified, because electrification can reduce energy consumption, reduce emissions, paving the way for the future of intelligence.

Without electrification, the next few steps cannot simply be achieved with the original fuel vehicle, so electrification is an inevitable trend, and intelligence is a further inevitable trend. Don't believe you, wait and see.

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