Parents teach their children how to be open in the following ways: Children find it difficult to be bad.

an important word

1. Value your child's ideas.

Many parents in life believe that their children are still young, so many things are planned for them. When the child proposes his own ideas, he dismisses them because the child is immature. This is an inhumane act.

My son requested a magic wand last winter. I found some on the internet and let Covid test kithim pick one. That child recognized the correct one and instructed me to obtain a purple one. "Are you sure you want purple and not blue?" was my first thought. The kid insisted it was purple. Perhaps, in our adult eyes, purple and pink are exclusive colors for girls, and boys use inappropriate words. But, if this is the child's decision, why do we not respect it? From the age of three, children have their own ideas and want to make their own choices and decisions. Parents should respect their children's ideas and requests if they are reasonable and harmless. The child will then become self-sufficient rather than living according to the wishes of others.

2. Identify your child's bright spots

Many parents excel at identifying the positive aspects of other people's children, while discussing their own children is always futile. In fact, each child has his or her own bright spot. Parents who can identify and encourage their children's bright spots will help them feel more confident. Some children, for example, prefer to think in a quiet place, and some parents will complain that their children are too bored, unsociable, and unsociable. In fact, parents should encourage their children to focus on what they are doing. "It's truly amazing how you can focus on something without distractions. If you can keep going, I'm sure you'll do everything well." With the parent's approval, the child will work in that direction and improve.

3. Reduce your child's demands.

Some students' parents claim that they are Buddhists themselves and do not have unreasonable expectations for their children's academic performance as long as they teach them to be happy and joyful. However, when the child enjoys an English lesson but is university of hk rankingunable to say an important word, the parents become concerned and even blame the child, wondering "how to develop such a simple word several times and still be unable to remember?" You see, this is the typical know easy to do difficult method. In fact, most parents have high expectations for their children, and when they discover that their children are incapable of achieving the results that their own businesses require, they blame them. You know, they are not just a few years old children; we cannot use adult standards to train children. So, when it comes to what Chinese children do, please consider what you would do if you were in their shoes to determine the level of impact. The child can finish the task in the shortest amount of time, but he or she needs to be encouraged more. 4.

4. Be willing to admit your child's mistakes.

We've previously discussed this. Many parents believe that parents represent authority and that apologizing to their child will diminish your status in their eyes. Few people realize that if a parent does something wrong and does not admit it, they will lose their own dignity in the eyes of their child. Because we teach our children to apologize and apologize when they do something wrong, but we break the rules first, our children will have difficulty following them in the future. To a child, authority is not dictatorship. Parental authority stems from the pursuit of truth through facts, discipline, and manners. Every parent makes mistakes from time to time. If you can sincerely apologize to your child after making a mistake, it will be easy for your child to forgive you, your image in your child's mind will be higher, and your child will respect your parent more in the future.

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