What channels can I apply for a personal loan?

personal loan

What channels can I apply for a personal loan?

Lack of money, this can happen to anyone, so there are many kinds of personal loans available today to meet people's needs. personal loan What personal personal loan channels do you have?

What are your personal personal loan channels?

At present, there are three formal channels for enterprises to conduct personal loan through individuals: online loan platform, bank personal loan, and personal loan management company to provide personal loan. Other unconventional channels do not need to be considered, it is very unsafe, high risk, we hope you can avoid going to unconventional channels. So for our country, let's talk about the different characteristics of these three personal loan channels.

1. personal personal loan channels of online personal loan platform

Online loan platform should be the choice of most people, the main characteristics are: no mortgage, easy review, fast lending, pure credit personal loan, simple and convenient operation, the limit is generally low. Now the personal loan platform is also divided into P2Ppersonal loan and B2Cpersonal loan. P2Ppersonal loan is person-toperson, the typical representative is Jiedaibao,

B2Cpersonal loan is company-to-person, the typical representative is China Mobile's mobile phone loan.

Although the personal loan platform has many advantages and is suitable for people with small capital turnover, they should also pay attention to their own information security. When choosing an online loan platform, it is necessary to check whether the background of the platform can bear certain risks. Forexample, the products of China

Mobile mentioned above are state-owned enterprises' products, which are relatively safer.

2. Bank personal loan channels

Banks are the most acceptable personal loan channel compared to the other two channels.

The main features of the bank's personal loan channel are complicated procedures, long process, strict conditions and short cycle.

In terms of bad personal loan companies in banks, they can rest assured in all aspects. There is no need to worry that students will not see the contract clearly and will bear high interest and fall into fraud traps. There is no need to worry that someone will come to your door with a knife and intimidate you when you cannot pay back the money. However, the bank is not a suitable for everyone to choose the kind of personal loan financing channel for our country. On the one hand, because the applicationconditions are harsh, there are too many restrictive clauses, complicated formalities, time-consuming and laborious, and sometimes may not run for a year; In addition, the loan term structure is relatively short, long-term asset investment activities can rarely be loaned; Finally, the amount of loan is relatively small, and it is difficult to achieve all the funds needed by commercial banks to solve the social development of smes.

Special attention should be paid to personal loan, which is risky and difficult to obtain loans from the People's

Bank of China if it affects enterprises at the stage of start-up and entrepreneurial education. It is more appropriate to study other types of personal loan for housing or commercial personal loan when the bank provides personal loan.

3. personal loan company channels

The channel development characteristics of the personal loan management company include: online application is required, the approval speed increases rapidly, and relevant procedures and fees are required.

In the personal loan company, the approval of personal loan applications is very fast, and you can also enjoy high-quality credit services. However, personal loan companies also have certain risks. On the one hand, the interest of personal loan is much higher than that of banks, and some personal loan companies will charge certain fees. On the other hand, personal loan companies vary in quality, and it is easy to fall into the trap of swindling companies if you do not distinguish them carefully.

Each channel has its own advantages and disadvantages, where to personal loan, but also according to their own situation to decide, if you want a mortgage personal loan, then it must be the preferred bank, if you need a few thousand dollars of turnover, then choose online personal loan platform, If you need a lot of money, but more urgent, then the personal loan company is your choice, so when choosing the channel, to be clear about their own situation, choose the channel accordingly.

According to the above information, we can know that there are generally three kinds of personal loan channels, and online loan is the riskiest one. In addition, taking a personal loan from a personal loan company is also relatively risky, while taking a personal loan from a bank

requires less risk. However, this method has a higher

threshold and is generally not adopted.

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